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10 Facts For Any HR & Recruitment Professional

10 recruitment facts

We’ve compiled 10 recruitment and hiring statistics that we think you need to know. Hopefully, these stats will help you understand the different perspectives of both candidates and hiring professionals.

1. An organisation that chooses to invest in employer branding is three times more likely to make a quality hire. (Glassdoor)

Let your brand do the talking. A strong company brand means potentially better hires.

2. 42% of employers do not actively use any strategies to reduce unconscious bias when recruiting (Robert Walters)

A hiring strategy that does not proactively tackle unconscious bias can be damaging for business. This can cause concern for diversity and prejudice within recruitment and the workplace.

3. Over 69% of recruiters say a candidate’s social media profile would affect their own personal opinion (CV Library)

Social media screening can also act as a validation mechanism for recruiters. Finding a potential candidate online can help legitimise their application.

4. 33% of candidates will share their negative candidate experience publicly online via their social networks. Choosing to inform friends and their friends’ friends immediately of their unhappy situation with a said company. (Blue Arrow)

The candidate experience plays a pivotal role in building or either damaging a company’s reputation. With greater risks due to the potential reach, a negative online review can receive in comparison to word of mouth.

5. 87% of interviewees are put off if an interviewer arrives late (Robert Walters)

It’s not just the candidate who has to impress! Create a good first impression and show the candidate respect and appreciation for them attending the interview by being prompt.

6. 71% have found a job description to be confusing when applying for a job role (Milkround)

A confusing job description can put candidates off from applying and a consequence of this could be potentially deterring away great hires from progressing further.

7. Businesses leveraging social media platforms for recruiting are reporting 44% improvements in quality of hire and 34% improvements in time to hire (Resource Solutions)

Using social media as part of a recruitment strategy can have its benefits… as well as being cost-effective it can increase your reach and job visibility.

8. 32% of job seekers call company culture a reason for leaving a role within the first three months (Jobvite)

Almost a third of candidates stated company culture as an important factor in their willingness to stay within a new role. Determining workplace culture and candidate fit is a key ingredient for encouraging employee retention.

9. 78% of candidates agreed that if a recruiter or friend proactively approached them with a position, they would also consider other available jobs as well as the specific role they were contacted with (Indeed)

Candidates aren’t likely to put all of their eggs into one basket, they need options! Although this percentage could be reduced if the candidate is presented with the ‘right’ role.

10. More than 40% of organisations believe the length of their recruitment process led to the loss of potential recruits within the last 12 months (CIPD)

Leave more talent in your candidate pool and safeguard your strategy to ensure candidates are informed about the length and complexity of the potential job application.

Do any of these statistics surprise you? Let us know in the comments below or on Twitter @CiiVSOFT.

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